From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 1

As we approach the magical ceremony known as the Coronation, it is time to consider what is going on in the UK. It’s 8 years since my ground-breaking book Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles passed almost entirely unnoticed through the national consciousness, so let’s see where we are now, and where we are going next. This matters because although we are individuals with our own issues and our own paths, we are at the same time part of a ‘we’, a nation, and the energy of that group affects us, whether we like it or not. This article is Part 1 of 3 and it represents a change of mind in a number of areas.

First, let’s talk about the monarchy. Although poorly understood, increasingly mocked and derided, the reality is that monarchs exist to hold sovereignty and therefore power, not for themselves, but for the people. And this is eminently necessary because politicians are not your friends. Politicians are not kind-hearted public servants, but employees of a bureaucracy whose sole purpose is to perpetuate itself and whose interests run counter to yours. All politicians pass laws which involve, somewhere or other, the removal of people’s rights and extension of their obligations. Politicians get away with this because they play people off against each other, dispensing new rights as trinkets to their most loud and vigorous supporters, while removing them from everyone else. It doesn’t matter who the politicians are, it’s always the same, because they are all from the same party, the party of the permanent state. But this is in contrast to the monarch who exists, at least in theory, to place the people in the room when important decisions are being made. Well at least that’s how it used to be, for King Charles I was not lying, way back in 1649 or so, before politicians chopped his head off, when he claimed that he, and he alone, was the defender of liberty. Rule by politicians is the tyranny we should all be concerned about, for whenever the institution of monarchy is abandoned then the people are shut out of the room for good.

However, unlike a Presidency, Monarchy is not simply about the person. Kings and Queens are the living symbols of a nation, the connectors of God, state and the people. King Charles III’s impending coronation, if it is to be, as expected, watered-down and stripped of its magic, will weaken the nation, and the subsequent Pluto Return will destroy it. Many will cheer for the Global New Society which follows, but most of those will swiftly regret it amid the chaos which ensues.

If I am a monarchist then I am not a royalist. I have no love for most of those who make up the British Royal Family, and I lay much of the blame for the parlous state of nation at the feet of the late Queen, who for so many years occupied the role without really applying its power. But however ineffectual an individual monarch might be, the office itself prevents the complete takeover of the state, and its people, by politicians. Functional societies – places where you can go about your business without interference from other people who are going about theirs – exist because they avoid constant power struggles. The enveloping chaos of our times is born of an obsession with power, and the constant struggles for it. Monarchy has the capacity to be the still point amid all the madness, the pressure valve through which those who seek unchecked power are regulated. If that is all that a monarchy does, then it is more than enough, but lately it has not even done that.

To put it another way, in a game of chess the King’s only purpose is to block another piece from moving into the square that it occupies. In today’s society the issue is the same. We have a King Charles III so that we don’t have a President Lineker, or a President Clarkson. Now, perhaps you wouldn’t mind a President Lineker. But how’s that going to work in a country that has already abandoned the principle of losers consent? In other words, how are the many millions who would absolutely refuse to support a President Lineker likely to behave? Not very well, obviously. Now turn the tables. How would the many millions who refused to support a President Clarkson behave under his rule? And what would either of those Presidents actually do? Would they rule for all the people, or just for their people? We know how this goes because we’ve already lived through a previous version of it, under Oliver Cromwell.

When Charles I was beheaded after the Civil War in 1649 the monarchy was abolished. Cromwell then ruled with the title of Lord Protector, but essentially took the role of dictator. He clamped down on voting rights movements, brutally supressed the Irish and the Scottish (planting the seeds for centuries of trouble to follow), disbanded parliament, extended his imperial ambitions, cancelled Christmas, closed many theatres, banned sports and outlawed swearing. Charles I had been right all along, without the monarch there was no liberty. And it wasn’t just like that in Britain. The French Revolution of 1789, where King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were done away with, to be replaced by the perversely titled Committee of Public Safety, was a bloody orgy of violence in which many thousands of innocents were massacred. The madness of the French Revolution led directly the bloody wars of Napoleon which raged across Europe decades later. And let’s not forget Germany, whose Kaiser Reich was replaced in 1918 by the feeble Weimar Republic, as fertile breeding ground as you could imagine for a Hitler to emerge. And Russia? Well, everyone knows that the brutal murder of the Czar and his family by the Communists in 1917 ushered in decades of death, misery and suffering for hundreds of millions of people. The evidence is in, though few want to see it: when monarchies end it’s not the people who rule but a new clique of psychopaths who, unmoored from the weight of history and constraints of tradition set about creating their utopia, by any means necessary. We prevent this by having a monarchy. Monarchs rule so that Presidents and Prime Ministers do not.

Monarchy is about tradition, a reminder of the fact that the real social contract is not between rich and poor, black and white, male and female, but between the past, the present and the future. When these three things are ripped apart from one another then humans go mad. I don’t care what so-called spiritual teachers say about living in the now. You cannot make sense of the world without some reference to where you have been and where you are going. When the past is unrecognisable and the future incomprehensible then chaos and insanity prevails. People go stark staring mad, and you can see the evidence of this in front of your own eyes every single day. Monarchy maintains people’s sanity by keeping the past alive, but anti-monarchism is just one strand of something much more deadly, that is the idea of progress.

The idea of progress is so dangerous because it fixates all human energy on the future and believes, almost as a matter of holy writ, that imperfect and broken humans can somehow make a happy and whole society. The progressive mindset is delusional because it fails to address the fundamental fact that life is cyclical, that the wheel turns and that people go up, and people come down. Progress says that this wheel – the Wheel of Fortune – can be broken and so long as those old white racists can be moved aside then it’s just a straight line to fully automated luxury communism on other planets. This idea of progress is so baked into the cake of Western society that to question it draws howls of derision, but you don’t need to trust me, just look with your own eyes. For all the so-called progress of the last few decades how is it that the world is in a worse state than ever? It’s because there’s something rotten at the very heart of the idea of progress, for the basic fact is that life doesn’t get better, it simply changes, and that sometimes those changes suit you and you can take advantage of them, and sometimes they don’t, and you can’t. The Wheel of Fortune is the wheel of life, and it turns, endlessly. Seeing progress in this way is the missing link I have been searching for, for years, but it’s crucial to understand it properly. It is NOT that things were going well and now they’re going badly, so let’s damn to hell the idea of progress. No, it’s that things were never going well, that society has been in constant decline since Day One, it’s just that we didn’t know it, and we were better, in the old days, at telling ourselves that everything was fine, when it really was not. These strange times that we live in do not bring the end of progress, they bring the realisation that progress never existed in the first place. This realisation will be slow to come for many, and resisted by even more. But it is coming, and everyone will be happier once it’s here.

Progress is opposed to tradition, and monarchy is the ultimate tradition. So, though I am defending the idea of monarchy as a system (as opposed to any particular monarch) I know I am fighting a losing battle because these are revolutionary times, and Britain is only one of three countries at the epicentre of that change. The planet Pluto reminds us that there are ongoing and intensifying revolutions in America, France and Britain, the consequences of which will shape the world for centuries to come. These three nations are important because they were standard bearers of an old order which is rapidly slipping away. America was the exemplar of liberty, Britain, the poster child for monarchy and empire, and France, the seedbed of the idea of progress. These three nations have defined the West, as we have known it, and their demise touches everything and everyone.

First, the US is continuing its collective nervous breakdown as its Pluto Return rolls on. This is where the planet Pluto, the destroyer, returns to the position it held when the nation was founded in 1776. We can all see the effects of this; attacks on freedom of speech being the most important, and the process won’t be done until the end of 2023. But even then the damage wrought by Pluto will take a long time to fix. The clean-up job will take decades, and things will never go back to how they were.

Next in the queue for a national meltdown is France. It will experience its Pluto Return in 2036, a mere 13 years from now, and already we can already see early rumblings of this. Sure, France is a nation that loves a good riot, but we should expect worse to come. If you use America as a template then you should expect France to experience insurgent politics, protests, riots, polarisation between communities, increased racism, discrimination and economic problems, but more important than all of those, will be a tearing at the fabric of what it means to be French. And that, for France, is BIG DEAL.

Then, last but not least will be good old Britain, whose Pluto Return will hit in 2044. A long way off you might say, yet like Christmas, it’ll soon be here. Again, if the American template holds, slightly adapted to British culture and history, then we should expect political and social fragmentation, insurgent political parties, scandals, increased anti-empire rhetoric and calls for reparations, as well as the end of the monarchy, alongside, paradoxically, the end of democracy. Even though this is two decades away, we can already see the move toward a post-democratic system, where elected governments are downgraded to mere administrative branch offices of a Global New Society, where Prime Ministers are simply assistant managers tasked with implementing a pre-agreed supra-national agenda. In this post-democratic limbo, the rituals of elections may still take place, but all matters of importance will have already been decided, and the candidates on offer will have been pre-approved by the ruling elite, an unholy alliance of media, deep state and moneyed interests. In this landscape you can vote, but you cannot really change anything. And monarchy, a potential protection against this, will be nowhere to be seen.

As Britain, and by extension much of the rest of the West, gives up the last vestiges of monarchy and then moves from democracy to rule by elite puppet masters, you can expect a breakdown of the social fabric and the collapse of a previously stable society. So long as the principle of losers consent was operative then most people would live with elections where their preferred party lost. Losers consent meant that in any election the losing side would suck it up and get busy organising for the next time. But no longer. Politics is now about self-righteous activism, and therefore about protest, disruption and violence. Though a post-democratic society might retain some of the rituals of voting it will be mere theatre. Mix that in with that a rejection of the monarchy and you peel away the last remnants of the glue which holds people together.

So, liberty gone. Empire and monarchy going. That just leaves the idea of progress, which is the dominant view of a social, economic and political elite who now control almost every institution in the West. This elite is reflexively anti-tradition, anti-monarchy, pro-democracy (but only when it delivers the ‘right’ result), pro-immigration, pro-LGBT and always pushes for equality (while delivering sameness). It is feminist in the third wave sense of the term, in that its anti-men stance actually damages the women it purports to help. It is also no coincidence that this elite are also actively, and sometimes rabidly, anti-spiritual.

Now, you might agree or disagree with some or all of these views, but the problem is that within the progressive bubble there is no room for debate. There is no chance for example, under this progressive elite, of talking about how the T might be making life increasingly hard for the LGB. There is no tolerance, among progressives, for those who suggest that open borders and the receipt of unlimited numbers of refugees might poison the well for those who legally migrated here through the 90’s and 00’s. No, these topics are verboten, say progressives, and we must all unite and go forward together, which in practice only ever means agreeing with them and doing what they want. The progressive agenda is almost psychotic in the way that it relishes in the destruction of everything traditional and thirsts for a Year Zero. That is why progressives are the leaders in cancel culture and de-platforming. They want to discredit and then erase every aspect of the past that they find problematic, in favour of the Global New Society which they will then build from the bricks of equity, social justice, income redistribution and anti-racism. Yet this Global New Society, precisely because it is so drunk on its own righteousness, will be the most unequal and oppressive in all of history, and they will simply change the definition of those words in order to make it appear otherwise.

Now, to be clear, I am not actually criticising any of these particular progressive views. What I am simply saying is that progressivism as an ideology or world view cannot work because it refuses to take into account karma, the fact that some people – many people – have to go back before they can go forward. Or to put it more lyrically, from The Zohar,

“One generation passes and another generation cometh, it is said that the generation which comes is that which has also passed.”

In other words, each generation is not a blank state, they are imprinted with the memories of the past and they cannot go forward until they have resolved that past, and given everything that has happened in previous generations we ain’t nowhere near doing that! But the past cannot be resolved through legislation. When you pass new laws to make illegal that which used to be accepted you don’t change anyone’s mind, still less their heart. All you do is feed a wellspring of resentment, where those people who don’t believe they did anything wrong become more and more marginalised, angry and disruptive. Progressivism is a disease because it assumes that karmic patterns, which reside deep within our Soul, can be sorted out by a few slogans, a bit of therapy, a hashtag campaign and some new laws. But it’s worse even than that, because the progressive mind always becomes authoritarian, and we can see this now in our current society, where the biggest racists are the anti-racists and the meanest and nastiest people are those who preach tolerance and inclusion. All this is so because the very idea of progress itself is a fiction, a nightmare in fact, which can only be imposed by force.

This fiction, this belief in progress, that society has a few blips here and there but broadly speaking can, and should, advance from one generation to the next, is a complete inversion of reality and a delusion than was spun out from the murderous spasm of the French Revolution and the brutality of the Industrial Revolution and the British Empire. Pluto comes therefore, not to destroy Britain and France per se, but to destroy the toxic ideas that those societies gave birth to. Progress is over, in fact it never existed, and the sooner we can get used to it the happier we will all be. There is no such thing as progress, only change. Wherever the progressive mindset becomes deeply embedded (that is to say in every part of Western society), then trouble is a comin’. Things don’t get better, they change, and that change suits some and doesn’t suit others. And then just when you’ve got used to one type of change along comes another one. That is life, but rather than being depressing, to realise it and accept it is profoundly liberating.

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to see where this is all going. King Charles III hasn’t got what it takes because he himself is the very model of a modern progressive, a true believer in the lie that things must be constantly improved. He is too deeply involved in the World Economic Forum and the general idea of world citizenry to be a mere national monarch, and we will see in the coronation the degree to which he is prepared to saw his own leg off in order to be modern. We will watch this on television, even though the coronation is, at heart, not a television spectacle, but a traditional magical ceremony.

The fact that the coronation will cost however many millions of pounds is of no significance whatsoever and stands as nothing compared to the power of the coronation ceremony itself to bind a nation together, or as we will soon see, to ensure it carries on ripping itself apart. The tourist statistics, that however many millions of pounds will be generated to the UK economy because we are the ones who do pomp and circumstance the best, is also a blind to what is really going on. The real issue is that King Charles III has, within his own hands, through the magical power of the ceremony, the ability to energetically nourish the nation, or to allow it to fall to the wolves. He will, almost certainly, take the latter course and the UK will limp on, battered and bruised until a final reckoning sometime around its Pluto Return in 2044. This decline will be a process as much as it will be an event.

As the monarchy and the nation visibly weaken, a free pass will be given to the usual incoherent nonsense about how we should transition out of monarchy toward the rule of the people. But which people are we talking about? The people who wanted endless lockdowns? The people who wanted mandatory vaccinations? Or the people who can’t say what a woman is? We must face the fact, revealed to us during Covid, that there is no wisdom in the people. The people, as a mass, are weak and stupid. Only in individuals do you meet joy, hope, love, goodwill and good conscience. People go mad in crowds, under the influence of others, and only later on, individually, do they come to their senses.

So, when Charles is crowned (not coronated!) watch it on the TV and tune into the energy of the proceedings, for in that moment something magical will be waiting to happen. Ignore the inevitable gnashing of teeth from moderns and progressives who don’t understand the power of ritual, despise tradition and refute the existence of magic. On the 6th May 2023 Charles will have the opportunity to set the nation on a better energetic track, and to flush away the buffoonery of recent times, to bind together the people of the present, and to knit them into the ongoing story of the past in order to go into the future. Watch, and see, if he is able to take that opportunity.

All this is so because the acts of proclamation and coronation bestow a magic upon the monarch, but a monarch can only hold that energy, and use it for the good, if they wear the crown on behalf of people in order to execute Divine Will. Power that descends from the Divine to a monarch, exalts both the monarch and the people. But power drawn up from the masses via the popular will corrupts those who wield it, because it is itself a corrupt, illegitimate power. It’s a broken kind of power because the people themselves are broken, imperfect and distant from God. So, it’s where the power comes from that determines whether a ruler rules well or badly. It is not simply that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, or that power is desired by those who you least want to have it. These things are true, but they are not the point. The point is that there are two sorts of power, a broken, corrupt power which comes from the people, and a pure, divine power which comes from God. That is why Cromwell became a dictator, and why the fate of all Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors is similarly doomed, for all time. Power from the people will always be used against those very same people. This has been so throughout all of history and no amount of ‘progress’ will change that fact.

Charles the Third, or perhaps I will call him Charles the Fool seems intent on misunderstanding his own job. He seems ready to mess with history and destroy his own kingship by modernising (aka interfering with) a ceremony that is, at least in part, a thousand years old. Apparently, the ceremony will be reduced in length by two thirds and key elements will be discarded in order to make it more ‘inclusive’. Well, when a monarchy – the epitome of exclusivity - becomes concerned with inclusion then you know the whole system is getting ready to roll itself up in a heap.

If you are struggling to see the presence of magic in all this then one simple insight to the occult power of the coronation ceremony can be seen in the Stone of Scone, sometimes called the Stone of Destiny. Supposedly biblical in origin and a part of the coronation ceremony of Scottish kings for centuries, the stone was resident in England in recent times until it was shipped back up to Scotland, for the first time in a long time, in 1996. The inauguration of the Scottish parliament in 1999 was, of course, a completely unrelated matter, and it is obviously a total coincidence that the return of the stone to London for the coronation occurs at precisely the time that the SNP government, the super-progressive advocates of Scottish independence, become mired in scandal. Wily old Alex Salmond, one time First Minister of Scotland, knew what was going on when he called for the Stone to remain in Scotland and a separate Scottish coronation be conducted later on. (Side note: If the powers that be knew what they were doing and really wanted to finish off Scottish independence once and for all they would hang onto the stone, after the coronation, just for safe keeping of course).

There are a thousand and one other aspects to the coronation, beside the matter of the Stone of Scone, which make the event magical. There is the anointing oil, specially consecrated in Jerusalem, which is administered by the coronation spoon, the only relic to have survived Cromwell’s revolution. There is the use of the Psalms, noted for their ability to banish demons. There is the use of text and music that is pushing 1000 years old and all these things and more stitch the monarch firmly into the tapestry of history. But this is not about antiques and flummeries. It is not about bells and smells. It's about an unbroken current of energy, which becomes present during the magic of the ceremony. Contrary to what progressives say, this energy is the realest thing that most of us will ever encounter, so if you are sensitive, tune into the ceremony on 6th May and you will feel it.

But where does all this leave us, right now? What can be done during these times? Well, the reason I have come to these conclusions now is that I witness the negative effects of the idea of progress and the rejection of tradition every single day. Every single day I talk to someone who is profoundly and deeply unhappy, lost, broken and unable to find their path through life. And every single time I encounter this I can trace the root of their problems to their unquestioning belief in progress as well as their absolute rejection of tradition. The beliefs that they have invested their life in promised them freedom, but delivered only imprisonment. The idea of progress, this vast and all-encompassing illusion where everything must be improved, updated and get better all the time, that the past was a terrible place where only wicked things happened, how we are much more enlightened and better people now, or at least we will be once the old white racists have gone the way of the dodo, all this has driven people absolutely insane, and I see the effects of it all the time, everywhere I go. But, like the monarchy, it is coming to an end, and something different, which is neither monarchical and imperial, nor progressive and democratic is being birthed. I will say more about this in Parts 2 and 3.

For now, in order to survive and perhaps even thrive, during these coming changes, you first of all have to reassert your own personal sovereignty and exercise your divine right to say no to power. If Charles III believes that the power of his kingship stems from the people then he has already de-legitimised himself. And if you know that political rule is already illegitimate, you can, in good conscience, opt out of both. You can step away and refuse to comply. You can reclaim your God given right to reject the edicts of a government – any government - which lacks spiritual authority. This is true for the current Conservative government, and it will be just as true for the next Labour one. You can speak out against these dying Western powers as they perform their imperial march deeper into a Third World War. You can reject progress and recognise that the desire for more, bigger, better and faster it is literally killing people as well as destroying the planet. You can recognise that whether you are rich or poor, live in the city or the country, have the latest smart phone or not is utterly irrelevant when looked at from the only perspective that matters, the higher, spiritual one. It is of no importance whatsoever what gender, race or sexuality you are, whether you are young or old, intellectual, emotional or practical. All that matters is that, while you are here, in this life, you learn about yourself - your true self - discover your purpose and find a way to fulfil it. The idea of progress doesn’t help this, and in most cases acts as a barrier across your path.

So that is Part 1 of what is to come. A long-drawn-out nervous breakdown in France and Britain, and the death (or transformation) of the principles which underpinned those societies, namely progress and monarchy. Now, in the comments below, tell us where you think things are headed. Then look out for Part 2 where we will get into what the Tarot specifically tells us about where Britain is going, and then Part 3 where we can perhaps see the Light.