2023: Science and Spirituality. Can you really have both?

The foundations of a good, spiritual life are HEALTH and TRUTH. Without these you are destined to remain locked in your Body-Mind-Feelings, not living, but existing, doing as others tell you, devoid of any connection to your own meaning and purpose.

The Body-Mind-Feelings machine is the vehicle that the Soul travels in. This is how spiritual beings get to have human experiences, through the transport of the Body-Mind-Feelings. This has been true forever, and it’s always been a struggle between the Soul and Body-Mind-Feelings as to which runs the show. This struggle is called spiritual development, the process of steadily placing the Soul back in charge. And it’s a struggle that is ongoing.

Spiritual development is not a matter of ignoring what the Body, Mind or Feelings wants, but it is a matter of learning how to stop automatically surrendering to them. The Soul must be heard, for the Soul knows what is necessary, whereas the Body-Mind-Feelings knows only what is desirable.

And one of the things the Body-Mind-Feelings desires the most is control. It wants to do, say, think and feel whatever it wants to do, say, think or feel, whenever it wants to. Its precise operation varies from person to person, but essentially the Body-Mind-Feelings is greedy. And one of the many ways it expresses itself in the world today is through the voracious acquisition of knowledge. This hunger quest to know more and more, about more and more, regardless of its value, has been given a name - it’s called Science.

It is crucial to understand that Science is most definitely not some dispassionate exercise which humans sensibly and cautiously use to improve their circumstances. Of course, that is precisely how it is presented, even though that is precisely what it is not. Instead, the truth is that Science is a display of human greed and arrogance, a rebellion against the Divine.

Of course, I accept that this may be deeply distasteful and hard for many to grasp, so imbued have we all been now, for centuries, with narratives about the inevitable arc of Progress which comes about through Science. But the truth is that there is no such thing as Progress, only change, which benefits some and harms others. Every act of Progress has a downside, and every step forward involves a loss of something valuable. The most obvious example of this is the mobile phone. That highly advanced super-computer in your pocket has changed the way we live our lives. But the changes it has wrought are both good and bad, benefiting some, disadvantaging others, enabling the new while destroying the old. But when the advent and development of the mobile phone is presented as Progress then you know you are knee deep in a lie. It is nothing of the sort; it is simply an example of change. The eagerness to present it as Progress is so that we can be primed for the changes that flow from it. Note again that these will be changes, not improvements and certainly not Progress.

And this matters because the Mind, the reservation upon which Science and Progress roam free, is not a wonderful vista of hope and enlightenment, but a dead end.

Observe the four suits of the Tarot, proceeding numerically from Ace to Ten, with Aces representing a seed and the Tens representing a culmination, the fruit ultimately born from that seed.

In Pentacles – the Body - we see in the Ten an image of material wealth and satisfaction, a house with a garden, plenty of money in the bank, and more than enough food on the table. A nice situation indeed.

In Cups – the Feelings – the Ten shows us the deep joy and fulfilment that comes from unconditional acceptance and love. Sometimes this will occur in the family, sometimes not. Either way it is beautiful to behold.

In Wands – the Soul – the Ten reveals the need for trust and faith when the path ahead is obscured by the many tasks we must perform as we work toward our specific life purpose. Hard, but deeply satisfying.

In each of these three domains, the Body, the Feelings and the Soul, the Ten shows the profound sense of fulfilment that comes from eating fruit born of good seeds.

Only in the Swords – the Mind – do we see bad fruit, amid a scene of ruin and devastation. It is no accident that this state occurs only in the realm of the Mind, for the abject misery depicted in the Ten of Swords shows us what happens when the Mind is glorified at the expense of the Body, the Feelings and the Soul. This card shows us what happens to individuals who live exclusively in their head, as well as to societies who worship the rational. In short it shows where Science is taking us - to Hell.

Don’t believe me? Well consider the case of Ectolife, an artificial womb facility, a place where humans would be no longer born, but grown. Of course, the scenes depicted in the video are not real, and the place doesn’t actually exist – yet. I say yet because, as leading scientist Professor Joyce Harper says, “In Science, I think you should never say never.”

Yay, Progress! Baby farms here we come. Mother-child connection gone. Souls imprisoned. Is this really what we want?

Of course not, but if we are going to stop it then we need a reality check as to what Science really is. There can be no coming together of Science and Spirituality so long as Science considers itself superior. Scientists do not enjoy the privilege of being perfect in a world where nothing else is. They are flawed and only by recognising their flaws can there be a fusion of Science and Spirituality. If this does not happen then the Age of Aquarius will be an anti-spiritual Dark Age. Want a glimpse of such a world? Well, here’s Channel 4’s alternative Christmas message.

The fundamental deceit of our times is the belief that unhealed humans, humans disconnected from their Soul, humans immersed in their Body-Mind-Feelings, can somehow, through Science, create Utopia. This is the Progressive Disease, and anyone with any real-life experience, or any interest in the truth, knows how flawed human beings are and how Science has zero ability, and even less interest, in fixing this. The last three years have shown us how scientific progress increasingly occurs at the expense of the Soul, and seems more and more to operate in service of darker forces. AI, Quantum Computing. Gene editing. All these things and more reveal the degree to which Science is now out of control.

I will make a small concession here to the value of the scientific method, the work of reason, logic, experimentation and questioning. But it will only be a small concession because life is not rational, and science is biddable.

Life is, in large part, magical and illogical, and does not conform entirely to immutable, discoverable formulae. Science enthusiasts cannot deal with the reality that life is mainly governed by illogical habits, crazy traditions and absurd beliefs, alongside dynamic cycles and patterns, most of which science refuses to consider, which vary across time and place.

Science is also in the hands of moneyed interests. You don’t get a research grant until you agree to adhere to the rules of those who fund you, and those rules are almost always political. Trust the science they say, except that means also trusting those who fund it. No thank you.

I say all this because, numerologically, 2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7.

7 is the number of the Mind, therefore this will be a year of Science, where we will see more clearly than ever before the hell which Science has in store for us. The concept video for Ectolife, and Ameca’s Christmas message are just two indicators of where they want to take us.

Astrologically we are getting ready for the slowest moving of planet of all, Pluto, to move into Aquarius. I have written elsewhere about the Dark Side of Aquarius, but I also see Science itself as the lowest vibration of Aquarius (it’s highest being the appreciation of individual uniqueness). Consider also that Pluto is a destroyer. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and destroyed the financial system and many traditional social structures. So, what will Pluto in Aquarius destroy? The unfolding Elon Musk/Twitter saga may bring clues here. The Twitter Files have revealed that intelligence agencies and the administrative state have had their thumb on the scales of the democratic process and have been nudging and directing the global conversation. This much we know already, and there will be a great deal more to come as the Great Revealing gathers pace.

I accept that most people are unwilling to conceive of a world where Science and Progress would not be paramount. Yet the harder the Scientific agenda is pushed the greater the blowback will be. Why should people carry on jabbing themselves forever just because the Science tell them to, when the devastating effects of doing so are clear to see all around them every day?

The more that people run to Science to save them the stronger will grow the presence of the Divine, for the simple reason that Science cannot save us. The more intense the doubling down into God-denial the greater and greater the force of God will become. (Note that God is not the Church!!) And the deeper the Progressive agenda is rammed down people’s throats the harsher the kickback will be. A great deal of vital energy has been poured into trying to perfect an imperfect world through Science. And now we see the results; an epidemic of narcissism, disenchantment, demoralisation and exhaustion. The conclusion is unavoidable: The Cult of Progress has taken us backwards.

So, a prediction: In my lifetime we will see the increasing rejection of Science as a tool for social improvement. As we approach the Singularity we may even see its severe regulation and proscription and the return to centre stage of considerations of the Divine. We will also see a growing movement against Progress. Many, many people will howl to the Moon and back at the thought of all this but I promise you both it’s happening and it’s a good thing. It will happen slowly, yes, but 2023 will be the beginning of the end of the Religions of Science and Progress. It won’t happen by itself, human effort will be required, but you will start to see the cracks all around you as the façade begins to break down. There may be some ‘event’ which brings this about, but it will more likely be a process, the net result of which will be the relegation of Science to its rightful, second place, subservient to and not master of, human consciousness. Progress will be increasingly seen for what it is, a series of destructive power-moves sold as improvements, and eventually, a long way in the future, scientists will once again do the bidding of enlightened souls, their powers regulated and controlled. All this will eventually come about, and I promise you the world will be a better, more humane place for it. As the lie called Progress is exposed the truth of personal awakening will accelerate. This process will be slow, but it begins in 2023. You just have to decide whether to be part of that change, or allow yourself to become a lab rat.