Posts in inner guide
Who Are You Listening To?

I am often asked how I manage to be so relaxed in the face of the ongoing collapse of civilisation? Well, to be clear, I am not completely relaxed about it, it is source of concern, but I am definitely way more relaxed about it than most.

Is this to do with age? At 50 have I achieved all that I wanted and there is nothing left to do? No, definitely not.

Is it to do with energy? Do I simply no longer possess the vigour to fight and would rather chill and relax? No, it is not that either. I am as motivated as I ever was, maybe more.

Is it my temperament, my character, my numbers, my planets? Hahaha! Certainly not. I am not by nature a chilled or relaxed person, at all. I have worked hard to attain any sort of calm and balance in my life.

So, what is it then? If I think, like many others do, that everything is going to hell, how come I am not having a meltdown about it?

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