Who Are You Listening To?

I am often asked how I manage to be so relaxed in the face of the ongoing collapse of civilisation? Well, to be clear, I am not completely relaxed about it, it is source of concern, but I am definitely way more relaxed about it than most.

Is this to do with age? At 50 have I achieved all that I wanted and there is nothing left to do? No, definitely not.

Is it to do with energy? Do I simply no longer possess the vigour to fight and would rather chill and relax? No, it is not that either. I am as motivated as I ever was, maybe more.

Is it my temperament, my character, my numbers, my planets? Hahaha! Certainly not. I am not by nature a chilled or relaxed person, at all. I have worked hard to attain any sort of calm and balance in my life.

So, what is it then? If I think, like many others do, that everything is going to hell, how come I am not having a meltdown about it?

Is it because I know that the wonderful utopia of the Aquarian Age is just round the corner, bringing with it love, light, peace and justice to all? Hahahaha x 20!!! It is definitely not that. As I have written here, and here, the Aquarian Age seems set to be a Dark Age. Aquarius the sign cares nothing for individual human liberty, sees everything in terms of the collective and this is a recipe for nothing short of Global Communism (which is being installed right now).

I am relaxed because I know that this world, this plane of reality, is a realm of illusion. Sure, the chair that you are sitting on, the screen you are reading this on, the cup of coffee beside you and the food you will have for lunch are all solid enough. But none of it is REAL. Of course, this makes no sense whatsoever if this plane of reality, this realm of illusion, is all that you know. And it makes even less sense if you love the illusion, or if you are trying to be an active player in it. But there is more to life than all this. And connecting with that fact is easier than people believe.

Most people know me as a numerologist. But numbers – though extremely important keys to opening and expanding consciousness – are not the heart of my practice. No, the core of everything spiritual is the Inner Guide.

The Inner Guide is a being who was not alive when you were born and who is bound to you through love or duty. Their role is to protect you, and then guide you. The Inner Guide is your co-pilot through this life, and he can be contacted anytime. (And initially, for most people, most of the time, this Inner Guide is a ‘he’).

Some people will read this and say, ‘ah yes, spirit guides, done that, next please’ And if this is your response then please do continue your search elsewhere. If you want to set up your spirit guide team to help you become more woke, to make your social justice activism more effective or to manifest more stuff into your already chaotic and over-crowded life then there are plenty of teachers out there who will help you accomplish that. But I am not one of them.

Others will say, ‘ah yes, he means intuition, got that.’ Except I am very much not referring to your intuition. The development of your intuitive muscle is key to expanding the scope of your life, but even if you become Super-Intuitive you will still be bound within severe limitations. As I have written and said elsewhere many times, you cannot intuit your way forward in life until you recognise the extent of the trick being played upon you. You are certainly able to intuit your way through the illusion, but you will never be able to intuit your way out of it.

What I am talking about is something subtly but crucially different. The Inner Guide has a direct relationship with you. He knows you better than you know yourself, knows what is coming, and knows how you can best deal with it. He has no agenda other than your development and he is with you and you alone. You will not be sharing him with anyone else. Nor can anyone else see your Inner Guide. And there are no exceptions to that rule.

Just as we go about our business in the realm of illusion known as the Outer World, so our Inner Guide inhabits the Inner World, the door to which opens the moment you close your eyes. The Inner World connects us to the plane of the real, and repeated journeys to that place help us to put the events of our Outer World in context. It is not that what happens in the Outer World does not matter, but it definitely does not matter as much as we believe. And even where it really does matter you can be sure that things are not quite what they seem. How could they be in what is simply a realm of illusion?

It is for this reason that you cannot really know the world, its past, present or future, until you have not developed some kind of relationship with your Inner Guide, and explored, even tentatively, your Inner World. Of course, lots of people have not done this, and they are not lesser beings because of it. They don’t know what they don’t know.

Is this Inner Guide thing hard to do then? No, not really, though it does require two conditions:

First, you have to be able to attain some degree of peace and space within your life and thoughts. An over-thinking mind is an iron bar across the pathway of progress here. Setting aside a busy mind is hard, but not impossible. The real issue is that a lot of people are scared to even try. Who would they be without the stories that run around inside their head? The answer is they would be healthier, happier, clearer and brighter. But that is not the way they see it.

Second, you actually have to want to listen and learn. A know-it-all attitude will kill any form of Inner Guide contact stone dead. Sadly, many people do not want to listen or learn. What they want instead is to gorge themselves on content which exactly reflects, at all times, their current emotional state. They want their victimhood status validated and none of their choices ever to be questioned. This state of mind, which has infected our world so deeply, stands in direct opposition to any form of healing, development or growth. To commune with the Inner Guide requires a knowing that you are not enough as you are, and that you need to improve.

Willingness to go into battle against these two obstacles is essential for growth, but of course there will be a thousand reasons not to bother with any of this. Our Body-Mind-Feelings inhabit the realm of illusion, where new plays with new actors are featured every day even though nothing is really as it seems. History is often not as we have been told. Ethics, morals and values are simply power plays and society isn’t going forward but is in fact regressing. Go on social media for five minutes and you will be able to find all sorts of people echoing my words, and that is reflective of the fact that thousands are finally waking up from the dream. Great! But waking up from the dream is not enough, because what are they waking up to? Just because some history has been falsified it does not mean all of it has. Just because dark forces rule this plane of illusion does not mean that every single person doing better than you is a lizard in disguise.

To reject the accepted mainstream narrative of never-ending progress, through science, technology, economic growth and democracy is an essential step on the path of awakening, but it is the beginning of the journey, not the end. It is not enough to realise that you are being lied to, you have to then realise what the truth really is, and so long as you search for that truth in the Outer World, in the realm of illusion, you will remain lost. Effectively you will swap out one illusion for another. The only way out of this dilemma is to begin the long journey toward knowledge of, and conversation with, your Inner Guide.

You can begin this journey in a number of ways:

You can perform the exercise by listening to the free audio. We have it now in Spanish, Italian, Polish, Lithuanian and Russian so please pass those links onto your friends. Hopefully we will shortly have a children’s version because the sooner the Inner Guide contact is made the more beneficial the effects. And if you would like to make a translation into your native language then do please get in touch.

Or you can read my Inner World diary The Armchair Mystic.

Or you can join the Hermitage Hub where we get into this in more detail and where you will find a group of like-minded souls on a similar path.

Or you can go for the full mentorship package, where we take all the necessary steps together 1-2-1.

Any or all of this – when pursued seriously enough for long enough – will confirm to you, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that there is more to life than the material world. Other things are more important, like for example, God. And love. And meaning. And purpose. And truth. Yes, truth. It exists. It’s not all relative and there really is no such things as your truth. There’s your opinion, but that isn’t the same thing. The Inner Guide Meditation is the straightest, surest path not just to become aware of all this but to KNOW IT in the very core of your being.