Posts in soul strong
Better a King than a Kardashian

Why does a tribe have a chief?

Why does a company have an MD or a CEO?

Why does a team have a captain?

Because without a leader you have chaos.

Monarchs wear the crown so that we don’t have to. Because we can’t. Because we aren’t ready .

Now, you may say that you don’t need a monarch, and that you are wise and strong and capable enough to rule yourself, that you can wear your own crown. And maybe you can. But this isn’t only about you. It’s also about all the millions of people out there who have no clue how to be, or what to do, unless they receive a cue from a leader. This is the reality of the world that we live in, and given this who should they take their cues from? Whose example should they follow?

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A God called FANG

It should be clear by now that the 21st century is going to be a time of immense change and disruption. Some will see this as a good thing, but others not so much. Plus, there will be a load of people who just will not care either way.

The 22 years of this century have so far brought us 9/11, the Financial Crisis, Isis, Brexit, Trump, and Corona. All this is disruption enough, but none of these things have altered the world as much as the advance of technology. In fact, technology facilitated all those things…

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Beyond The Great Reset

The problem with conspiracy theories is that even when they are right, they are often also wrong. For example, one of the fatal flaws among modern conspiracy theorists is to attribute destructive activity exclusively to non-human lizards who masquerade as people. The trouble is that this ignores the very real evil done by ordinary, tax-paying, supermarket shopping people.

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Being Soul Strong: A deep dive into my forthcoming book

I am a big believer in the fact that the good endures and the fake and illusory passes by on the wind. So, when I am looking to understand how to be healthy, strong and clear, I pay no attention at all to the experts and preachers of our Modern ADHD PTSD Society. Instead, I look back over two thousand years to the philosopher Aristotle who explained what it means to be a Great Soul, or as we might call it Soul Strong.

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