Better a King than a Kardashian

Why does a tribe have a chief?

Why does a company have an MD or a CEO?

Why does a team have a captain?

Because without a leader you have chaos.

Monarchs wear a crown so that we don’t have to. Because we can’t. Because we aren’t ready .

Now, you may say that you don’t need a monarch, and that you are wise and strong and capable enough to rule yourself, that you can wear your own crown. And maybe you can. But this isn’t only about you. It’s also about all the millions of people out there who have no clue how to be, or what to do, unless they receive a cue from a leader. This is the reality of the world as it is today, and given this who should they take their cues from? Whose example should they follow?

Within the severe restrictions of the British system of government a modern monarch has next to no real power. They have no ability to wave their sceptre to dispel child poverty or issue a decree to eliminate injustice. Today the monarchy exists as a symbol, an example, a display of stability and a connection to an ancient past.. If you are going to have a nation then you must have a constant, a centre around which it is built. You can have a constitutional document or a day of independence, or you can have a symbol, a mark or a flag. Or maybe a monument. But none of these will come close, in terms of effectiveness, to a living figurehead, a person whose sole job it is to embody the nation. That is what a monarch is, literally the Head of the State.

“You are the land, and the land is you. If you fail the land will perish, as you thrive the land will blossom.” Merlin the Magician to King Arthur (Excalibur 1981)

The very last thing that this country needs is an elected President. The last few years have turned me against democracy. Not because I want to oppress people but because democracy undermines the individual conscience, erodes moral character and always, always, always, without exception, profoundly disappoints. It is not the monarchy you’ve got to worry about, it is the lowest form of life on the planet, democratically elected politicians, who cause all the trouble. The whole point of a modern monarchy is that it is the only thing that can prevent tyranny by elected committee. The whims of politicians are the whims of people, and the broad mass people are not yet to be trusted with power or responsibility. When most people are quite happy, eager in fact, to carry on jabbing and to be locked down indefinitely then this statement ought not be controversial. Time and again in recent years we have seen how ‘the people’ have no clue what is good for them and are prepared over and over again to saw away at the branch on which they are sitting in the name of ‘progress’.

All people were, originally, created with their own crown, but the sad truth is that most of us have long since abandoned that birth right and will not easily find it again. Personal sovereignty is what I am most interested in, and is absolutely the goal of everything I do and teach, but it cannot happen until people are ready for it. And most aren’t, not by a long way. So, in the meantime I will take a monarch over an elected here-today-gone-tomorrow politician every day of the week, because a monarch is meant to at least try to do right by all of the people, unlike a politician who can only care for his supporters and paymasters. A good monarch provides an example of how the people should behave, and without a figure who is above the fray and endures regardless of fashion, you will be left kneeling before woke-scolds like Saint Greta, hypocrites like Meghan Markle or talentless non-entities like the Kardashians. And if you think that would not matter very much then you need to read some history. Hundreds of millions died at the hands of Lenin, Stalin and Hitler precisely because there was no monarchy to hold them, and their nations, in check.

“Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.” Emperor Claudius (I Claudius, by Robert Graves)

Plenty of people are unwilling to see this of course, but maybe they would if they stopped listening to hard-left woke academics screeching about colonialism, and maniacs like David Icke shouting about lizards. David Icke is good example of the contradictions that you find in rabid anti-monarchists, because he is someone who does the work of the very people he purports to despise. Does he not know that the fastest way to an authoritarian one world technocratic government is the abolition of monarchy and the disconnection of people from the one thing that binds them together? And anyone who still wails on about Empire can hardly be called intelligent because it was under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II that the curtain was brought down on Empire. And as for apologising for slavery, well I’ll happily do that once the people of Cornwall have had their reparations. What would a world free of monarchy look like? Well we already know. Is everything peaceful and harmonious in India and Pakistan? Are human rights flourishing in Hong Kong? How is the economy doing in Zimbabwe? Is Canada supporting all its citizens through these difficult times?

It is very popular to bash the monarchy, and maybe our modern world is now too corrupt to hold onto such an ancient ideal. But the truth is that a good monarch wears a crown on behalf of others, not for themselves. Good monarchs do not oppress people. They actually act as a check on oppression, putting brakes on the thing which really oppresses, the thing we call democracy but is in fact simply mob rule. And yes of course, there are good and bad monarchs. We’ve had a good one, now, well, we’ll see…

We have to live in the world that is and if you want any kind of functional society then progress must be balanced with tradition. Personally I would rather live in a kind of spiritual freedom, where we didn’t have rulers of any kind, where each person navigated their way through life as per their souls requirements, without any restriction. If they were genuinely connected to their Soul (and not driven by their Body-Mind-Feelings) then this would be a happy place indeed. But let’s be real, this isn’t happening any time soon. If people have to be ruled, even if it’s only symbolically – and as things stand they do have to be ruled – then better a King than a Kardashian.

“Where men are forbidden to honour a king, they honour millionaires, athletes or films stars; even famous prostitutes or gangsters. For spiritual nature, like bodily food, will be served; deny it food and it will gobble poison.” C S Lewis

One of the keys to enlightenment and awakening is attained when you find the courage to think and say outrageous things, not simply for shock value, but because dangerous ideas break the Matrix. The modern world’s irrational attachment to democracy, and its hatred of monarchy and tradition are symptoms of deep programming and conditioning. In a previous blog I spoke about withdrawing my consent from being ruled by elected politicians. This is because the political process has been 100% captured by dark forces. There is only one way out of this bind - to work on the acceleration of consciousness so that people are willing and able to rule themselves. But that is the work of lifetimes. In the meantime we have a new monarch King Charles III.

Born 14th November 1948 (14 + 11 + 1948 = 1973 = 20 = 2), we have already seen his highly emotional and reactive Destiny Number 2 at work with the pen incident. But there is more to him than that, and the picture is complex and contradictory. Sadly an advocate of vaccination and a supporter of the WEF, he has also done more than anyone else to normalise organic farming. My old chum Freddie makes some very interesting points about him here, which is well worth watching. But whatever he does or does not do, he won’t be King forever, and that’s the whole point. So long as this ancient institution of monarchy remains alive then there also remains hope that one day, in the near or distant future, one of his descendants will fulfil the Arthurian promise and rescue this land from darkness. I don’t mean that he or she will wield any kind of actual sword, simply that power will once again be drawn downwards from God, not upwards from the people, and that someone inspiring will wield this power and lead us out from the madness that we have descended into. Fantasy? Maybe. But it’s no more absurd than believing that science and progress, within an enlightened liberal democracy can save the day. We don’t even have to guess what that hellscape looks like, because we are living in it, right now. The world is the way it is because democratically elected politicians have made it like that. Monarchies are not to blame, and as their power has receded, conditions in the world has worsened, not improved.

If you don’t like this and cannot accept it then the answer is simple, declare yourself exempt. If you tweet #notmyking with enough force, then you may even feel your imaginary chains falling away. It is your right and privilege to do this, and I’m right behind you. But unless you want to live amid chaos - or worse - then don’t force this on others, because they simply aren’t ready. If you genuinely care about others you don’t destroy the things that they need. This goes double for the most hardcore anti-monarchists, who are not acting in the name of fairness or justice but are simply trying to impose their own will on others, without concern for the profoundly negative effects that would have. This is, of course, the problem with the ‘progressive’ mindset. it doesn’t care that by destroying monarchy and handing everything over to more and more democracy (aka mob rule) you will usher in absolute hell on earth.

Of course, there are undoubtedly forces at play behind the scenes here, directing ordinary human life in ways that are not commonly understood, and I will talk about those when we arrive at the High Magic Ritual of the Coronation. At that time I will include mention of Nostradamus’s prophecy of the last King of England, the one who did not expect to be King. But for now The Queen, as fallen human beings go, wasn’t a bad person. She amply repaid her Karmic Debt 16/7 (Date of birth 21/4/1926, 21 + 4 + 1926 = 1951, 1 + 9 + 5 + 1= 16 = 7), avoiding the extreme selfishness and wilfulness so often associated with that number. Just because she didn’t ascribe to modern values doesn’t make her evil. Just because the world hasn’t showered everyone, equally, with wealth and acclaim doesn’t mean that she was a multi-dimensional lizard co-ordinating the people’s suppression. Maybe the failure of people to build a worthwhile life is nothing to do with her, and is in fact a consequence of them supporting politicians who stroked their ego while knifing them in the back. And maybe things would have been a lot, lot worse without her. The passing from one monarch to another has traditionally been an opportunity for national renewal. Can we grasp this opportunity? Or has the rot in our society spread too far? We will soon see.