I Withdraw My Consent

Around a decade ago, exasperated with the direction that the UK was heading in, I decided to use my knowledge of numerology and tarot to try to find out what went wrong and how it could be fixed. I compiled my findings in Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles, wherein I foresaw, among other things, Brexit, and a gloomy picture for the ‘entity’ known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

That was not the first time I had been exercised about the state of the nation. I had foolishly stood as a candidate for the Liberal Democrats in 2005, and when I was 10 years old I wrote an essay for my English teacher about what I would do if I were President of America. All this was, of course, merely a hangover from a previous life where I had been heavily involved in politics. But in this life I have steadily come to see that the problems which bedevil our world are in fact not political, but spiritual. I would even go so far to say that politics and politicians – left, right, centre, mainstream and dissident – act as iron bars across the pathway of self-development and as barriers to the expansion of consciousness. In fact it’s worse even than that, for politics itself rots the Soul, causing us to focus on the worst aspects of human nature. And this is not just a problem that affects one wing of politics. There is nothing spiritual about shipping migrants off to Rwanda, but nor is the re-definition of the word ‘woman’ the work of higher consciousness. It's easy to see how Tory politicians are often motivated by greed. But it is also necessary to realise that left-wing activists, who fervently believe themselves to be at the forefront of progress, are themselves often just useful idiots whose emotions are riled up to serve a larger agenda. A plague is due on all political houses, not just the Tory one.

An expansion of consciousness demands that we see that it is the establishment which rules things, and that this establishment remains in place regardless of the parties elected. And in GB 2022 the power of the establishment has never been stronger. The purpose of voting within the circus of party politics is merely to give people the illusion of choice and to act as a safety valve for public anger. In reality all policies of any real importance are determined in advance by what is, in effect, a permanent government, compromised of academic think-tanks, special interest lobbyists, the mainstream media, transnational corporations, the civil service, the World Economic Forum and the Intelligence community. Voting is pointless and democracy is a sham because politicians have been captured by these hidden interests which have corrupted the system from top to bottom. This is just a modern way of saying that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government always gets in. 

When did I become so disillusioned? It’s been a steady process, but don’t worry because disillusionment is a good thing, to be dis-illusioned is to be free of the illusion. Come on in, the water’s fine!

Great Britain? The Numbers

One of the strange patterns I identified in the book was that ever since Sir Robert Walpole took office in 1721, Britain has had 77 Prime Ministers (up to and including Boris Johnson). Official histories make the number far less, but I am counting return visits, for example Winston Churchill was PM twice (1940-45, 1951-55) and William Gladstone occupied the role four times (1868-74, 1880-85, 1886, 1892-94). Curiously, I found that you could sequence all 78 cards of the Tarot to this list of Prime Ministers and gain tremendous insights into the events of the nation during those times. For example, the Suez Crisis of 1957, which brought the final death of the British Empire, occurred under the influence of the Ten of Swords, while the disastrous premiership of Tony Blair, Iraq War and all, occurred under the influence of the Five of Pentacles, the card of the lost soul. 

Through my investigations I also realised that the Conservative Party was the most successful election winning machine in all history. No political party anywhere in the modern world has won more elections than they have. This is due to the continued presence, in the history and development of the Conservative Party, of the Master Number 22.

Now this does not mean that if you yourself are a Destiny/Life Path number 22 that you are naturally a conservative. In fact you may well run to the opposite! But it does mean that we should recognise two key dynamics within that party – the capacity for extraordinary achievements (you decide whether they are positive or negative but there is no denying that they have consistently done big things) together with a predilection for self-sabotage.

The Conservative Party, because it is strongly influenced by the Master Number 22, also becomes influenced by the 22nd card of the Tarot, The Fool. Among other things this bestows upon it a capacity for reinvention that often leaves others baffled. But this time may be a bridge too far, for we are now approaching the territory of the 78th Prime Minster, ruled by the last card of the tarot deck, the Ten of Pentacles. Whoever is formally declared leader of the party and Prime Minister will come under the rulership of that card, the Ten of Pentacles, the card of wealth and prosperity when dignified, but when reversed the card of financial ruin. Maybe the new incumbent will have the skill to play their card upright, and deliver an economic miracle? More likely they will preside over the biggest economic collapse of our lifetime and the end of the nation as we have known it.

So, against this happy backdrop, who is the best actor to carry this poisoned chalice?

Rishi Sunak was born on 12th May 1980. 12 + 5 + 1980 = 1997 = 8. So his Destiny/Life Path (DD+MM+YYYY) and his Ultimate Goal (DD+MM) are both 8. He is therefore interested in, and motivated by, money and power. No surprise there, but the point is that he isn’t interested in anything else, and any pretence to care about social policy is likely to be just that, a pretence. He is also currently in a Personal Year 5, which would normally indicate increased freedom and new adventures, together with more travel. Travelling for holiday or work? We will soon see. The Conservative Party does not normally reward the one who takes down a leader, and his attempt to distance himself from the disastrous Covid policies won’t help him.

Liz Truss (actually Mary Elizabeth Truss) was born 26th July 1975. 26 + 7 + 1975 = 2008 = 1. This makes her an independent minded person who won’t take instructions well. 1’s are, in many ways, born for leadership. She also has a difficult Ultimate Goal 33/6, pulling her between the desire to serve others and the desire to serve herself. 1’s are not always gifted with the ability to follow through on their promises, and though they can be innovative and imaginative problem solvers they can also be pig-headed and narrow minded. There is no better example of this than when asked what the end-game in Ukraine looks like she apparently replied “removing Russia from Crimea”. This is classic 1 behaviour, laser-like focus on a goal, with zero consideration of how to get there, which in this case would probably involve a nuclear war. If we felt generous we could, maybe, give her the benefit of the doubt, as she is currently in her Personal Year 3, which has boosted both her communication skills and her visibility, but has also made her more gaffe prone.

It is clear to see from this line up, as well as from the list of candidates who did not make it to the final two, how the Conservative Party became the most successful electoral machine in all history. Whether you like it or not It’s 22 blesses it with the power of transformation, the gall to reinvent itself. While the so-called party of equality and inclusion, Labour, has not yet even elected one single female leader, the Conservatives are staring down the barrel of their third, or the first leader from an ethnic minority. For some time now the Tory Party has looked a lot more like Britain than Labour does. To say that all this is merely a front is to miss the point that in politics appearance is the only thing that matters. But all this is bigger than the Tory Party.

“And every nation has its appointed term; when their term is reached, neither can they delay it, nor can they advance it by one hour” Surah Al-A’raf 34 of the Qu’ran.

We are witnessing, in real time, the consequences of a long-drawn out attempt to destroy a great nation, and the closing of a significant chapter in human history. And make no mistake about it, what comes next will be a lot worse, for Britain and for the world. But there’s no point crying about it, because it’s done. The process, promoted over decades by an ever-expanding army of progressives and do-gooders, is now so advanced there is nothing that either Truss or Sunak can do to stop it because the country has become, to all intents and purposes, ungovernable. Boris has received his comeuppance for green-lighting the twin catastrophes of lockdown and mass vaccination (the effects of which have accelerated the decline, and made just about everything in our society worse). And now it’s the Conservative Party’s turn to reap what it has sown. The only question that remains is who will be the next captain of the Titanic? Who will be the one to face the next ‘unforeseen’ crisis?

It is important to note here, leaving aside the funeral of the Conservative Party for a moment, that there remains only one thing worse than the Conservative Party, and that is the Labour Party. There is no politician, red, yellow, green or blue, with the slightest interest in, or will do anything to advance the cause of expanded consciousness, healing, spirituality, numerology, tarot or anything else alternative, esoteric or magical, except if they themselves can benefit from it. And even if they had themselves received a positive experience of such things, the establishment, the permanent government behind the scenes, will allow none of it.

So, while observing the Tory, and by extension the national, psycho-drama, I keep one eye on the actors rehearsing in the wings, all of whom will do nothing but charge harder and faster toward ruin.  Neither the country nor the world can be improved by Tories, not because they are Tories, but because they are politicians. This fact might help us to see that all politics, right, left, centre, green, extreme, mainstream, populist, nationalist, globalist and revolutionary, all of it is the domain of the Soul-less. All political movements are willing to use state power to impose their will, to compel you to deny your conscience and force you comply with their ideas. This is true of all politics, without exception, and while there is no doubt that hardcore conservatism is repressive to the Soul, the Modern Left, which in the UK takes the form of Labour, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the Greens and the Liberal Democrats,  is actively anti-spiritual. The Tories are a corrupt lot, no doubt about it, and both candidates represent nothing more than a continuation of progressive policies (albeit driven at the speed limit), more taxes, more division and more war, whether that be with Russia or China. Of course, almost all senior Conservatives are empty shells devoid of any philosophy or purpose other than to hold power, but the Left is no better because it isn’t actually a political force at all, but a spiritual one, or more accurately an anti-spiritual one that seeks to kill God and replace it with tyranny by committee. Sure, the Tories are morally, ethically and philosophically broken, but the Left is soul-less and spiritually bereft. Being Left does not make you a good person. In fact it may do quite the opposite.

A lot of politics is about personal gain, but I don’t just mean the gain of the politicians. A lot of politically active people purport to have the interests of others at heart, but in truth they believe that their own personal priorities are – or should be - the nations priorities. They cannot imagine for one minute that the things which bother them might not bother others. This is true left, right and centre.

The spectacle of the Conservative leadership election has been absurd. I don’t know how are we supposed to believe that candidates didn’t really mean what they said five minutes ago, but now definitely, really, seriously do believe what they say now? It cannot just be me who sees politics and political reporting as akin to professional sports, both dominated by blind allegiances and tribal loyalties and full of talking heads who are interested in nothing more than who’s up, who’s down, who’s in and who’s out. It’s a shambles, and that’s putting it mildly.

All this matters because politics sets itself against spirituality. Politics believes that the perfect world can be constructed here and now, if only we have enough economic growth/public spending/immigration/limits on immigration/community cohesion/trade deals/vaccine uptake (delete as applicable). If we can only defeat the evil Tories/socialists/nationalists (delete as applicable) then everything will be wonderful. All politicians, of all parties, spout this nonsense, which flies in the face of the whole point of life, which is that we are here to learn lessons, and only when we have learned those lessons can we enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Politics divides people, not by accident but by design. Politicians need enemies, and if they do not exist then they must be invented.

There was in fact one small glimmer of light in this whole sorry tale, spoken by Kemi Badenoch, in the first debate on Channel 4 on 15th July. She suggested that in government there are, in fact, no solutions, only trade-offs. This is one of the most truthful things I think I have ever heard a politician say and it matters because the cause of all human problems is the immaturity of Souls. Racism, sexism, poverty, ill health, crime, war and everything else that causes this planet to burn are caused by spiritual ignorance. The people who perpetuate injustice do so in order to fill a void deep within themselves. They do not know who they are, or what they are for, and no amount of social justice, universal healthcare, pronoun adjustment or economic growth will change that. Politics is fundamentally flawed because it perpetuates the lie that the world as a whole can be improved and everyone can be made happy. The truth is much less palatable though, namely that every single ‘improvement’ ever made knocks something else out of balance, causing a problem elsewhere. Every advantage for one group creates a disadvantage for another group and there is no such thing as progress or modernisation. There is only change, which benefits some and harms others. Politics is part of the veil that is drawn over peoples eyes to prevent them from seeing this truth.

Of course, some of us may find all this hard to accept, and instead will blame the current candidates, because if we just have better ones then everything will be ok, right? And even if the candidates offered up to us are flawed or not quite as we would like them, we should still engage in the sacred rituals of democracy, because otherwise, well who knows what would happen, right? Wrong, on both counts. Democracy is already dead and Plato summed this up nicely (from Republic Book VIII, 562c-563e)

“In a democratic country you will be told that liberty is its noblest possession, which makes it the only fit place for a free spirit to live in….a democratic state may fall under the influence of unprincipled leaders…law abiding citizens will be insulted as non-entities who love their chains and all praise and honour will be bestowed on rulers who behave like subjects and subjects who behave like rulers…the parent falls into the habit of behaving like the child, and the child like the parent… the school master timidly flatters their pupils and the pupils make light of their masters. Generally speaking, the young copy their elders, argue with them and will not do as they are told, while the old, anxious not to be thought of as disagreeable tyrants, imitate the young. Putting all these items together you can see the result; the citizens become so sensitive that they resent the slightest application of control as intolerable tyranny and in their resolve to have no master they end by disregarding even the law.”

This is where we are, and it’s not even the fault of politicians. They are just actors on the stage. Democracy has eaten itself because people are no longer willing to accept the results of elections when they lose. This has enabled a behind-the-scenes government to take greater and greater control. And this didn’t start with Trump’s antics. British, American and European politicians have, for years now, tried to delegitimise democratic results that go against them. Exhibit A in this was Brexit, though it had been going on long before that. So what comes next? Well it’s already here, and it’s called tyranny.

Today’s tyranny does not – as the most unhinged quarters of the Left like to portray it – take the form of a King Boris or a King Trump. The tyranny we have now is that of a permanent government, unelected bureaucrats in the EU and the WHO, self-appointed leaders in the WEF, shadowy activist organisations and tech evangelists in Silicon Valley, all backed by faceless donors with money from Wall Street and the City of London. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Klaus Schwab have more power than any British Prime Minister could dream of. This is not a tyranny that is approaching, or a tyranny that we are one step away from. No. It is a tyranny that is already here, installed and running, welcomed by millions of people who don’t want to be free, and just want to feel safe. It is for this reason that whoever next takes the lead role on the stage of British politics is destined (whether they know it or not) to be manipulated by the unaccountable, unelected interests which now govern the world. They may from time to time do things that you like, though you will have to put up with all the other times when they do things you do not like. But whatever they do it doesn’t matter because you can’t remove them. This may seem a bit bleak, and that is why it is always tempting to give it one last heave, to look for one last candidate, party or movement who will do what needs to be done. But alas, this so-called ‘hope’ just enmeshes you further in other people’s power games. The answer, the only answer, is to renounce all forms of politics - democratic, parliamentary, grass roots and activist - to stop trying to perfect this world, and embrace the only power that really exists, the only power of any value, God. Then, and only then, will we experience any sort of Renaissance.

So, as a result of all this, I withdraw my consent. I recognise the power of those who are appointed to rule over me in this world, but I deny them the moral authority that they crave. This is a necessary, but not yet sufficient step toward freedom from control, coercion and condemnation. But it’s a start. These aren’t just words, it is a state of mind, an energy that is generated when you refuse to be governed by people you did not elect and cannot remove. And it’s an entirely healthy and sensible one, at this point in human history.

A few copies still remain of my book Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles. I will not be reprinting or updating that book and this article closes the many loops that I opened in during that time.